Monday, October 27, 2014

10.27.14: stagnation (part II)

Good evening everyone.

I have titled this post stagnation (part II) because I am at it again: nothing has occurred this week. Nothing exciting at least. I went to Walmart and saw the pretty colors of acrylics in huge bottles and thought, "If only I had time..." 
it turns out that I actually don't have a blank canvas at home. My sister has used them all for her artsy room decor. You know, middle schoolers being all middle-schooley.
I need to buy at least one-two blank canvases this week. I'll try to paint on that (hideous) thick paper (that falls apart when I try to remotely blend with my pinky) and just get into that feel for the paint. The deadline is soon approaching.



  1. I think your project is really cool, considering I'd be completely incapable of doing it. Even abstract art would be to hard for me. Anywhoozles, your paintings so far look really awesome! My favorite is the sunset. I didn't realize that painting was such a science. It's like chemistry, you can't mix two types of chemicals together or else bad things happen. I can't wait to see what you do when you get your hands on a canvas. I know it's going to be great! :)

  2. Abstract art, nor painting for that matter, are my personal forte, but I wish you luck in pursuing it for yourself! I thought the flowers you painted were really pretty. Your ideas for your final piece sound like they'll probably make something very interesting, even if I, personally, can't for the life of me imagine how one would abstractly paint already abstract concepts. Good luck on your artistic pursuits, I hope it turns out well for you!

  3. Acrylic painting is one of the most difficult styles of painting there is, so I applaud you for chosing this. I think that if you stick to your own thoughts and passions, your paintings will always come out beautiful. I can't wait to see the final piece. Good luck.

  4. Haha! Middle schoolers just being all middle schoolery. I remember those days- good laugh, but I don't want to go back. I wish you had tons of time to devote to this project because you would kill it. Everyone feels the same way you do; I have commented the same thing for pretty much all 10 blog comments- "I understand your struggle; its hard to devote time when you don't have it." To keep this post moving, you have tons of potential to becoming a great artist. I love the little flowers you painted; they are just so beautiful and artsy. I cannot wait to see more of your creations after you get over stagnation 2. Keep calm and paint on!

  5. Your project seems really amazing so far. It's cool how you chose abstract art in particular to focus on. You've done so much research, and it's clear how much you've invested in this project. I like how you attached the videos you watched and shared every step of your project. I saw flowers and sunset you painted. They look really pretty. I love the gradient of color in the flower petals and sky. I'm very excited to see your end product and presentation. Good luck on everything!

  6. I'm so happy your 20% time is so...artistic! I really appreciate art and those who create it. I think that abstract art is very expressive because it is up to each person to determine what it means to them. I'm proud of you for investing all of thus time and effort and money into something that you are passionate about! I can't wait to see some of your paintings in December!

  7. I will argue with anyone who says abstract art isn't real art. I'm all about expressing things away from the concrete. I really love that painting with the flowers, and I hope to see more of your work on here. I know the feeling of your artistic energy being burned away by the week. Maybe if you buy the paints, you'll find more time for it? Also, I'd love to read about any particular artists who inspire you, or any trips you make that sort of spark your creativity (I'm always seized by the urge to create after visiting the High). Have you considered experimenting with multimedia, or is the goal mostly painting? With abstract art, anything goes, I suppose, so you might be able to expand this, if not this semester, then someday!

  8. Steisy, you are so talented! I've enjoyed reading your blog posts and seeing the progress you are making. You seem like you're really dedicated and prepared for this project with all of the supplies you've bought. Although I am not capable of drawing, painting, or doing artistic well, I love art, and I think it's really interesting. I can't wait to see your finished paintings and good luck with the rest of your project!

  9. Your idea of abstract painting sounds so cool! Personally, I love abstract painting. I love how the colors and the shapes usually tend to mean something and depict a bigger picture of something. Hopefully if you get into it, you'll have some really awesome pieces of artwork at the end! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

  10. It's so cool to see so many people using this 20% project to get into art :)
    It's cool that you're going for abstract painting. Abstract isn't always the most popular art form, but think there's a certain beauty in it. I also really liked your little flowers you painted a while back.
    And if you ever need help with anything feel free to ask. I'm not an expert on traditional painting but im always open to giving feedback on composition. or i also have some good books on how to draw people if you want to borrow any of them (i know that sometimes the hardest thing to get right) :/

  11. I see you've already done some testing of paints and patterns on paper. This is a wonderful idea. Yet, despite the cost, I would advise you sacrifice a canvas for the sake of testing ideas and blending. Canvas behaves differently from paper, and since it holds more paint you can do a lot more with layering and blending. Who knows - maybe your experiments will create something beautiful. There are no mistakes in art, after all. I see you mentioned Kandinsky, who distilled concepts into colors and shapes. Canvas allows you to experiment with these factors far more than paper.
